
PhD Thesis defended

Today, I successfully defended my PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) thesis “Integrating Psychoinformatics with Ubiquitous Social...

Frequency and duration of daily smartphone usage in relation to personality traits

We investigated associations between personality traits and smartphone usage in daily life. 526 participants (mean...

AnaLoc – Industrial Sensor Data Analysis

We released AnaLoc on GitHub. AnaLoc is a microservice-based, scalable architecture for stream and batch...

What data are smartphone users willing to share with researchers?

Expanding on our earlier work on privacy in mobile sensing/data collection apps, we evaluated the...

TYDR and IC4F presented at Long Night of Science in Berlin

We presented TYDR and our first research results based on the collected data at the...

Choice Overload and Recommendation Effectiveness in Related-Article Recommendations

Expanding our earlier work on choice overload in related-article recommendations, we analyzed a digital library...

TYDR Presentation at Berlin Science Talk

I had the chance to present my work around TYDR and preliminary results from the...

TYDR released on Google Play

We released TYDR on Google Play! Visit the TYDR homepage here...

TYDR Presentation at University of Zurich

I got invited by Prof. Mathias Allemand to present my research relating to TYDR at...