TYDR – Track Your Daily Routine. Android App for Tracking Smartphone Sensor and Usage Data

We present the Android app TYDR (Track Your Daily Routine) which tracks smartphone sensor and usage data and utilizes standardized psychometric personality questionnaires. With the app, we aim at collecting data for researching correlations between the tracked smartphone data and the user’s personality in order to predict personality from smartphone data. We highlight our approaches … Read more

Towards Psychometrics-based Friend Recommendations in Social Networking Services

Two of the defining elements of Social Networking Services are the social profile, containing information about the user, and the social graph, containing information about the connections between users. Social Networking Services are used to connect to known people as well as to discover new contacts. Current friend recommendation mechanisms typically utilize the social graph. … Read more

Exploring Choice Overload in Related-Article Recommendations in Digital Libraries

We investigate the problem of choice overload – the difficulty of making a decision when faced with many options – when displaying related-article recommendations in digital libraries. So far, research regarding to how many items should be displayed has mostly been done in the fields of media recommendations and search engines. We analyze the number … Read more

Research Stay in Asia

I had the chance to collaborate with Prof. Jöran Beel and Prof. Akiko Aizawa at NII (National Institute of Informatics) in Tokyo, researching the number of recommendation that should be displayed – inviting clicks, but not overwhelming the user. After my stay in Tokyo, I traveled to Shanghai and Hong Kong to give presentations about … Read more

Analyzing Social Relations for Recommending Academic Conferences

Where should an academic publish their newest work? We developed a recommender system for it. We presented this work as a paper at the HotPOST 2016 workshop (co-located with ACM MobiHoc 2016). You can find the full paper here (PDF). We analyze to what extent social relations from existing data can be utilized to generate … Read more

Privacy-aware Social Music Playlist Generation

Listen to the music according to the taste of the people around you! We developed a system and implemented a mobile Android prototype and server system. We presented this work as a paper at the IEEE ICC 2016. You can find the full paper here (PDF). Two of the most popular applications of smartphones are … Read more

Project DYNAMIC started

Today officially starts my project DYNAMIC, for which I acquired funding at the competitive Software Campus program (funded through the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)). DYNAMIC deals with distributed online social networks and with the creation of dynamic social graphs based on location, context, and profile data. In current Online Social Networks, relations … Read more

Towards a Three-tiered Social Graph in Decentralized Online Social Networks

We developed an approach and a software architecture for decentralized social networking services, focusing on the central role of the smartphone. We presented this work as a paper at the HotPOST 2015 workshop (co-located with ACM MobiHoc 2015) and received the Best Paper Runner-Up award! You can find the full paper here (PDF). Online Social … Read more