Public Perception of the German COVID-19 Contact-Tracing App Corona-Warn-App

Several governments introduced or promoted the use of contact-tracing apps during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In Germany, the related app is called Corona-Warn-App, and by end of 2020, it had 22.8 million downloads. Contact tracing is a promising approach for containing the spread of the novel coronavirus. It is only effective if there is a … Read more

Frequency and duration of daily smartphone usage in relation to personality traits

We investigated associations between personality traits and smartphone usage in daily life. 526 participants (mean age 34.57 years, SD = 12.85, 21% female) used TYDR (Track Your Daily Routine) for 48 days, on average (SD = 63.2, range 2 to 304). The Big Five Inventory 2 (BFI-2) was used to measure personality traits (Extraversion, Agreeableness, … Read more

AnaLoc – Industrial Sensor Data Analysis

We released AnaLoc on GitHub. AnaLoc is a microservice-based, scalable architecture for stream and batch processing of industrial sensor data. The code on GitHub shows the analysis of location data of autonomous vehicles in the modern factory. The architecture is built on Spring Boot and Apache Flink and is deployed via Docker Compose. More details … Read more

What data are smartphone users willing to share with researchers?

Expanding on our earlier work on privacy in mobile sensing/data collection apps, we evaluated the data we collected with TYDR. Our experimental evaluation based on the first two month of data collected with TYDR shows evidence that our users accept our proposed privacy model. Based on data about granting TYDR all or no Android system … Read more

Choice Overload and Recommendation Effectiveness in Related-Article Recommendations

Expanding our earlier work on choice overload in related-article recommendations, we analyzed a digital library to figure out the ideal number of recommendations to show to users. Some of our metrics point toward 5-6 items as the ideal number of recommendations to display. You can find the full paper here (PDF). Choice Overload describes a … Read more

Do You Like What I Like? Similarity Estimation in Proximity-based Mobile Social Networks

While existing social networking services tend to connect people who know each other, people show a desire to also connect to yet unknown people in physical proximity. Existing research shows that people tend to connect to similar people. Utilizing technology in order to stimulate human interaction between strangers, we consider the scenario of two strangers … Read more

Exploring Choice Overload in Related-Article Recommendations in Digital Libraries

We investigate the problem of choice overload – the difficulty of making a decision when faced with many options – when displaying related-article recommendations in digital libraries. So far, research regarding to how many items should be displayed has mostly been done in the fields of media recommendations and search engines. We analyze the number … Read more

Analyzing Social Relations for Recommending Academic Conferences

Where should an academic publish their newest work? We developed a recommender system for it. We presented this work as a paper at the HotPOST 2016 workshop (co-located with ACM MobiHoc 2016). You can find the full paper here (PDF). We analyze to what extent social relations from existing data can be utilized to generate … Read more